Monday, October 17, 2011

Blog 7: Independent Component 1 Plan Approval

1) I am taking a biology MIT course ware class online.

2) i will be printing all the assignments and quizzes out and i will be working on them based off the lectures i watch online,

3) it is relevant to my essential question because if biology is a class you must master in order to become a successful surgical technician than i will be more successful from this.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Blog 6: Defining the Essential Question

What is the best way to become a successful surgical technician?
2) best way - most efficient manner
successful - auspicious

  • Constantly improving one's intelligence on modernized surgical technology.
  • Having efficient production manner in the operating room.
4)I have two sources that are both of equal importance to finding my final answer. The first is my father who has obtained 23 years of experience as a surgical technician. The second would be the book Surgical Technolody for the Surgical Technologist by The Association of Surgical Technologists, because it is the guide to becoming a surgical technician.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Blog 5: Second Interview Questions

  1. What made you decide to go into this profession?
  2. What type of subjects were very critical and necessary to strive in when going into this profession? What subject was the most challenging to keep up with?
  3. What would you say was the biggest callenge you encountered while studying for this profession?
  4. What would you say is the biggest challenge you have ever encountered while in this profession?
  5. Are you satified with where you are right now?
  6. If you had another chance would you choose to into the same profession you're in right now, why or why not? If not, what profession would you have rather gone into?