Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Blog 9: Science Fair Proposal

1. What is your hypothesis?
If a surgical technologists tool is sterilized using the best method then, it will have the least amount of bacteria after the process.

2. Identify the dependent (produced), independent (manipulated) and control variables in your hypothesis. 
Dependent- Amount of bacteria
Independent - Sterilization process
Control - Unsterilized instruments

3. What is the connection between your science fair project and your senior project EQ?
My senior project is on surgical technologists and part of their  career is sterilizing hospital equipment, so I'm trying to figure out if the sterilization process they use now is the most efficient.

4. How will you perform the experiment?  Include the equipment you plan on using.
my dad will be bringing me about 10 of the same tools, i will be unsterilizing them the same way then I, will be using agar to grow the bacteria left on the sterilized equipment to show which sterilization process has the least bacteria left on them. I will be learning how to measure bacteria through researching the best way to measure bacteria. I will also be researching why the best sterilization process is the best.
After each sterilization process i will be swabbing the instrument, then placing the swab sample taken into the agar, for each instrument. I will then wait until bacteria begins to form in order to compare which way is the most effective, in sterilizing equipment.

5. Which category will your project be listed under?  (For a full list of categories, go to the iPoly Physics webpage, then to the Science Fair tab.) 