Monday, September 26, 2011

Blog 4: Presentation Reflection

1. The first interview helped me in my presentation because he made me think of going beyond general surgical technology in a way. That is why I did my presentation on endoscopy, not all surgical technicians do it, but some do.

2.  I would say the thing that stood out was the way i was able to give out different examples about how my presentation topic is used and i was able to give a brief explanation as to why the procedure is performed. I gave different examples about the procedures and went in more depth on two which delt with mostly women and the other mostly men.

3.  The most challenging to do was trying to explain my presentation topic in only 5 minutes, I wish we could have had at least 10 minutes but since we had the 5 minute rule it helped us explain something without making it too boring for the class to learn about it. It taught me how to give a brief and specific explanation in a way. It was challenging because I wanted to go more in depth about each part of my presentation but we had to keep it short and interesting.

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